Sus Dungo, Letonian folk rock band that i mentioned before on this page, answered my questions for Listen Before You Love. (You can read this interview here in Turkish)
Here is the interview below and if you want to know much more about this glorious band, you can also visit their official web page:
First of
all, "hi, girls!" :) You are sweet..And its really exciting to have
chat with you...Is everything ok around there?
It is autumn here in Latvia now, raining and getting closer and closer to 0 degrees Celsius with every day but the trees are turning in yellow, orange and red making it all picturesque after a quite busy summer with the performances in festivals for Sus Dungo.
Ok, can you briefly introduce yourself..Who are you?
Different characters and instruments (could be even eight young ladies) coming together and creating one sound which is changing with a time flow.
However it is always easier and probably more objective to have an answer to this question from listener/viewer.
On our web-page ( you may find some thoughts what others have spoken about us:
"Sus Dungo is an
extraordinary marvel in Latvian independent music, called the
"Latvian indie pop fairies" and "musical
visions", consisting of 8 young ladies, showcasing a wide
range of musical instruments, including the accordion and the harp, bright
vocals, often performed by all band members, and an unforgettable
stage presence.
Sus Dungo is the fresh
breeze of youth, sincere freedom and improvisational spirit, lighting up the stage
and the hearts of the audience with their genuine performance and original
The music you make..Your style..Is really unequivocal, sincere and has a different energy..It makes me wanna go to Riga and listen to you live ! You are fascinating..How does it feel to make music in Latvia? What are the pros and cons?
Thank you for the flattering words. Latvian environment definitely makes a particular influence to our music - North, 4 seasons a year and nature, traditional folk music. It is probably hard to describe it, being here and living. However it interflows with the influences from the foreign music to which we listen quite a lot. Usually the music/melody comes by itself, not by some special style, that's why making music in Latvia feels like taking deep breath. Sometimes we have a feeling that people from different cultures can understand this "breath" no matter who and where they are (so this would be the pros), but sometimes - even at home - we get feeling that the most local people are in a too big rush to understand it.
You are crowded band as a result of your musical diversity..Isnt it hard to come together? :) How did you decide to come together and set up a band?
The band has grown with the time starting with two girls - Diana and Kate and becoming an eight girl band thanks to the ambition of Diana to gather different musical instruments in one band (continuing with rhythm - Anneli, bass - Marika, guitar - Marta, flute - Elizabete, accordion - Liene, harp - Elizabeta and also other extra musicians).
We are trying to take an advantage of our diversity and the fact we are so many and also perform in different sets since sometimes it is hard to come all together as each of us have our own occupations.
What does "Sus Dungo" mean?
How do you think? Well.. the second word from Latvian means 'to hum', whereas the first comes from the founder of the band Diana whose nickname is Sus/Susurs.
The direct translation would be "Sus is humming".
6.You made a successful covers of Nouvelle Vague, Bjork and Beirut...Whicb band's song you also play? Who are you listening to in these days?
We have played covers also of some Latvian songs, covered one Estonian singer. Each of us pretty much has their own favorite artists playlist.
Once we were asked a question - if we had a possibility to play with any band on one stage, which one would it be? The answers from each of us were different -.
It is very difficult to talk
about musical influences in our band, as we all listen very different styles
and have never done anything with a purpose "lets make it like.... this or
that"; we just have continued working on our music, as the instruments and
new people and ideas arrived.
But, if we must - here are the
bands (first one-the most important) that we'd love to share the stage with
(someday), (I don't remember your question precisely ;) - but as you asked our
"dream bands" or something like that :)
Diana (guitar, voice): Ilgi (Iļģi) - latvian folk band, Eddie Vedder, Explosions in the Sky, Grand Ukulele.
Liene (accordion, vocals):
i rather have a dream of my own band
Marta (electric guitar,
ukulele): from the oldies - Led Zeppelin, from these days - Arcade Fire or The
Marika (bass guitar):
Kings of Leon
Elizabeta (harp): Dream
Theater, Animals as Leaders
Elizebete (flute, glockenspiel,
vocals): Patric Watson, Radiohead
Anneli (percussions): Bon Iver,
Mumford and Sons
Kate (violin, ukulele, vocals)
couldn't decide, too many out there known and yet unknown! :)
Here are the first singles
released form the minialbum (in a set of two; both separately embedable):
Can you tell the story of your debut " Rasā pēdas" ? Who writes the lyrics? How did you finished recording process? And how can we get this album?
We recorded the album for 5 months and it was a new, but exciting experience for us. Particularly for "Rasā pēdas" the authors of lyrics were Diana Sus, Kate Pāvula and Liene Dravniece, but otherwise, almost all of us has some self-written songs with our own lyrics. °
For now, it' s possible to get
the album in online music store, following link here :
What are you doing except music? How does your ordinary day pass?
Since "Sus Dungo" is more as free time activity, each of us have her own everyday activities starting from universities (studying music, tourism, culture, pharmacy) and regular jobs till other hobbies as swimming, dancing, hiking, fashion, cycling, audio visual communications and other musical projects. But it would be interesting at some point to devote most of the time to "Sus Dungo" project. e.g. experiencing a one month tour somewhere outside the country and creating new musical material.
What was the most shocking thing that you heard in recent years?
We can not really think of anything but there definitely is.
Do you know anything about Turkey and Turkish music?
We do not know much about Turkey except the location on the map, Istanbul, warm climate. We have some notion about the sounds of traditional music manner what quite differs from the European but not really more.
It could be interesting to explore. . Diana from Sus Dungo has met some Turkish. One of them shared some kind of Turkish music-poetry, where the very special and old poems (almost folk) are read while playing Turkish national music instrument. Deep ambiance!
Hope we
can listen to you live soon in Turkey....Do you want to add anything for the
listeners of you in here?
Thank you for listening us, and
hope we could play in Turkey one day as well..
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